22622 Fisher Avenue, Snyder, CO 80723

Past Events

Clothing Free-4-All

You can drop off clothing from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. daily on July 15-18. You can “shop” for new to you clothing from 5-7 Thursday, July 18th. You can…

Clothing Free-4-All Clothing Drop Off

This is the time of year to clean out your closets and get ready to bring CLEAN, GENTLY USED clothing to Snyder Bible Church for the Clothing Free-4-All. You can…


Register at myvbs.org/snyderbible Expect a lot of fun activities and to learn about Jesus.  Take this week and bring you child ages 3-11 to Snyder Bible Church for a good…

Thanksgiving Concert

There will be NO Sunday School or Evening Service. Award winning Gospel Music Duo, Blake & Jenna Bolerjack, coming in concert.  As husband and wife, Blake & Jenna meld their voices…

“Stellar – Shine Jesus’ Light” VBS

For Kids ages 3-11. Games, crafts, snacks, songs, and Awesome Bible Stories each day of the week You can register at: www.myvbs.org/snyderbible, or at the church