22622 Fisher Avenue, Snyder, CO 80723

Friday Focus for–May 18, 2018

flip cal  Let’s do a little Friday Focus on how we prepare for worship on Sunday….



Saturday Night Preview of Church Prep:

  • Hubs is busy cleaning out the car so there’s room for the pot luck dinner food to be stored without spilling.
  • Mum is bathing the baby and making a casserole to take to the pot luck.
  • Sis is pulling together an outfit that is “nursery worker” ready so she can crawl around with the toddlers during her turn in the nursery during morning services.
  • Junior is loading his Sunday jacket with some electronics & ear buds so he can “use his Bible app”.
  • Grandma is setting the DVR so she can record the Bronco game that starts at 11:00 since the preacher might go overtime.


We’re almost ready for church…but did we plan to do anything about being worship ready?  Then the email notice dings on everyone’s phone.  THE CHURCH BLOG!  Right, let’s do a quick read of the blog, check out the music links and see how that changes the preview.


  • Dad plugs in the CD of that song in while he finishes cleaning the car.
  • Mum puts it on audible so the blog will be read to her while she baths the baby.
  • Sis remembers that Psalm passage from her memory verse work and thinks the kids might like some hand motions to go with it.
  • Junior adds the newer music version from youtube to his play list.
  • Grandma shares the link to the blog with her house-bound friend for encouragement to them both.

They all go to bed with a prayer that has them at the feet of Jesus and ready to worship as a part of the whole church.


Lord, tune our hearts to you and to our worship of YOU tomorrow at church.


For the next few weeks this blog will feature a Psalm and thoughtful prayer with links to a couple songs. Those same songs will have a connection to our morning worship time at church.  It is our prayer that it will tune your hearts to worship Jesus Christ with us on Sunday and throughout the week.  You may subscribe to receive a notification of these blog posts.

Click Psalm 43 for the full “Pre-worship Prep”



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