22622 Fisher Avenue, Snyder, CO 80723

#SoulSurvival Mid-week

We hope your week has gone well.

  • Have you found time to spend in the Word?
  • Have you had time with the Lord?
  • Have you discovered new ways the He shows that He loves you?

These are some questions we will start our evening with this Tuesday.  If you were in Brian Lynch’s Sunday School class today, we were encouraged to write a list of the ways that God has shown His goodness and faithfulness to us.  This is a great practice for us any time.  It once again reinforces Who God Is and what we know about who we are because of Him.  (Anchor of the week) Take time now to review our anchor verse of  I John 3:1.

We look forward to seeing those who can make it this Tuesday at 7 p.m. for our in-person Bible Study.  We also encourage anyone to share their thoughts on this blog.  If you know of anyone who would like to be included online, let us know or share the blog on the church website.


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