22622 Fisher Avenue, Snyder, CO 80723

#SoulSurvival Week 4

 Just when you thought you knew what to expect at Bible study–we rocked the boat a bit and both Laura and Cindy shared. So the outline is obviously in two parts.  Anchor of the Week is Be Focused: Overcome Fear by Simplifying. We began with a fun discussion of fear.  Are you letting fear keep you from your purpose/calling?  Remember, “Fear He is A Liar” ! The “thief” is a lion seeking to devour.  But remember who Christ is and who you are in Him.

We looked at Old Testament examples of “heroes” of the faith and their fears, how they dealt with it, and how that applies to us.  We looked into the New Testament and how that applied to the church.  How it applies to OUR church today.  Do you have fears in serving?  Following God’s lead?  Remember, whose leading and that He is GREATER than the enemy. Finally, what is the difference between fear and caution.  Sometimes God’s Spirit puts a check/question/hesitation in our hearts about a situation.  Self-examination will determine whether or not that is something to guide us on or hold us back.

Living Simply will banish fear and hold us on track with our guiding rule and God’s purpose for us.  “Simplicity asks us to let go of the tangle of wants so we can receive the simple gifts of life that cannot be taken away.”  Adele Chalhoun   This is NOT a clean out your closet session but a Live Focused Lives study.  Use the Activity Sheet to follow along as we examine the Anchor of the week  Micah 6:8.  Those full outline of both topics (Fear and Living Simply) are ready for you to follow along here.

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